Support Internet Freedom in Vietnam

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July 23, 2009

Viet Tan is encouraging supporters of human rights in Vietnam to ask their Member of Congress to co-sponsor H.Res. 672. Introduced today by Representative Loretta Sanchez, this important resolution calls on the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to release imprisoned bloggers and respect Internet freedom.

In a country where the traditional media is monopolized by the state, the internet is rapidly becoming a tool for Vietnamese citizens to share information and express ideas beyond the control of censors. Over 20 million Vietnamese are now online and many have become active bloggers.

Unfortunately, to restrict this virtual civil society, the Vietnamese government has implemented new decrees to administer private blogs, crackdown on citizen journalists and detain cyber activists. Vietnamese authorities have also indicated that they will require technology companies—including foreign internet giants Yahoo, Google and Microsoft—to comply with the new internet restrictions.

Strong Congressional support for H.Res. 672 would send a clear message to the Vietnamese government: repeal obsolete laws that limit internet freedom, become a responsible member of the international community by respecting freedom of speech and release bloggers and cyber activists who have been imprisoned for the peaceful expression of their beliefs.

In recognition of the transformative role of the internet in fostering an independent media and digital activism, Viet Tan has launched the Internet Freedom Campaign for Vietnam. For more information and to take action, please visit:

The mission of Viet Tan is to overcome dictatorship, build the foundation for a sustainable democracy, and demand justice and human rights for the Vietnamese people through nonviolent struggle based on civic participation.

Contact: Duy Hoang
+1 (202) 470-0845


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