
Vietnam’s Land Hero

February 21, 2012 Land disputes are crowded with environmentalists, farmers and greedy developers who work hand in glove with local politicians. Clashes have persistently tested

Hanoi Plays Hide the Dissident

January 12, 2012 The latest tactic for sweeping domestic critics under the carpet. Hanoi purports to want closer relations with Washington as a counterbalance to

Speech at the Asia Democracy Conference

Speech at the Asia Democracy Conference by Ly Thai Hung, General Secretary of Viet Tan Tokyo – November 26, 2011 Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

Hanoi regime must free peaceful activists

August 17, 2011 Four imprisoned democracy and land rights activists will appear before an Appeals Court in Ben Tre province, Vietnam on August 18, 2011.

The attorney profession in Vietnam

In the course of practicing law, I discovered a painful truth that I once wanted to leave the attorney profession. The Laws of Vietnam are