Letter to the Editor, Asia Times Online

Duy Hoang

June 8, 2012

[Re Cold counter to warming US-Vietnam ties, Asia Times Online, June 6, 2012]

Adam Boutzan provides Viet Tan a backhanded compliment by linking us to a purported Vietnamese government intelligence report about US peaceful evolution plots.

While we appreciate Boutzan’s belief that Viet Tan has the “capability to manufacture and disseminate” such a document, Viet Tan is in no way connected to the imagined disinformation campaign.

Conspiracy theories are always exciting but professional journalism necessitates more responsible reporting.

Irrespective of the authenticity of the supposed intelligence document, I am confident that democratic change in Vietnam does not require a “nudge” from the United States. Real change in Vietnam – when it comes – will arise from the efforts of the Vietnamese people themselves.

Duy Hoang
Viet Tan Spokesman

Source: Asia Times Online Letters to the Editor