Stifling atmosphere before trial – Judges have a hard time finding explanations for the pre-determined verdict

The trial starts at 8.30am at People’s Court at Nam Ky Khoi Nghia street in Saigon. According to our sources, the situation inside and outside the court building is tense. All trials scheduled for today (May 13) have been rescheduled, leaving the trial of Viet Tan members the only case of the day. However, the trial of Viet Tan members does not appear on the Court’s calendar which is available on their website, indicating that the Vietnamese authorities are trying to conduct the trial behind closed doors and want to avoid people’s attention.

During the last few days the international media and overseas Vietnamese have paid special attention to the matter. They have contacted Vietnamese embassies and general consulates abroad and courts in Saigon to inquire more information about the trial. The Vietnamese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Le Dung had to confirm this news officially, and the state-owned newspaper Cong An had to report on the trial on May 12, accusing the three defendants of terrorism.

According to our sources, Vu Phi Long was appointed by Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee in Saigon to judge this case together with three other judges. However, during the weekend almost the entire judicial system in Saigon held an urgent meeting to discuss the case and provide inputs for Vu Phi Long. The verdict has been pre-determined by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee, and the court’s function is to provide the reasoning behind the verdict towards the international community who is watching the trial closely. The fact that the court had an urgent meeting during the weekend shows that they have difficulties coming up with explanations for the already determined verdict.
Updated at 3am on May 13, 2008
Radio New Horizon