Open Letter from Ms. Janta Khantinat

Janta Khantinat

May 2, 2008


Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej

Elected Officials

Thai Media and People

My name is Janta Khantinat. My husband is Somsak Khunmi (Vietnamese name Nguyen Quoc Hai). We have four children: Ploy (20 years-old), Mook (19 years-old), Kim (15 years-old) and Tubtim (11 years-old). We are currently living in Ubon.

I just received word from the law office of attorney Tran Vu Hai from Vietnam, informing me that my husband will be put on trial on May 13, 2008. He has been arrested and detained in Vietnam since last November.

My husband is an activist involved in pro-democracy activities for Vietnam. In a trip to Vietnam in November 2007, my husband helped to arrange meetings between Radio New Horizon reporters Thanh Thao with local democracy activists. He also helped Ms. Thanh Thao, a French citizen, and Mr. Leon Truong, an American citizen, to prepare documents promoting democracy through non-violent means. They were arrested on November 17, 2007. However after 3 weeks in detention, Ms. Thanh Thao and Mr. Leon Truong were released and left Vietnam while my husband is still in jail without reason.

I urgently appeal to the kindness of the Thai government, media and general public, and to all who have raised their voice to seek my husband’s freedom since his detention in November 2007. Our children need their father and I need my husband. We just want him back.

Once again on the behalf of our family, I want to express our gratitude for all the help from friends and acquaintance in Thailand and from abroad. Your assistance has helped our family rise above a most difficult time of our life.


Ms. Janta Khantinat

Open Letter from Ms. Janta Khantinat