Statement by the EU Head of Mission on the 4 April 2011 trial of Mr Cu Huy Ha Vu

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The European Union Delegation issues the following statement in agreement with the EU Heads of Mission in Vietnam.

The EU regrets and expresses its deep concern about the trial of Mr Cu Huy Ha Vu in Hanoi on Monday 4 April.

Mr Cu Huy Ha Vu was charged under Item 1, Article 88 of the Penal Code, of spreading propaganda against the government, between 2009 and October 2010, through writings and interviews; and of defaming the administration and advocating a multi-party system.

This conviction is not consistent with the fundamental right of all persons to hold opinions and freely and peacefully express them, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Vietnam is a party.

The sentence, including 7 years imprisonment followed by 3 years of probation, for Mr Cu Huy Ha Vu, is particularly severe and we are also deeply concerned by the apparent lack of due process in the conduct of the trial. Of major concern to the EU is also the detention of several individuals who were peacefully seeking to observe the court proceedings. The EU is convinced that Vietnam can only develop into the kind of knowledge-based, integrated and wealthy society which its people desire if freedom of expression is assured. The esteem of the international community for Vietnam, and Vietnam’s own long-term economic progress are not sustainable if peaceful expression, particularly on key issues for the future of the people and the country, is suppressed.

The EU reiterates its readiness to continue to work with Vietnam, including dialogue and practical support, to improve its appreciation of and respect for human rights.

EU Delegation in Hanoi, 5 April 2011.

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