Statement Regarding Xi Jinping’s Visit to Vietnam and the Issue of the East Sea

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October 15, 2015

We, Vietnamese patriots concerned about the situation in the East Sea, believe that protecting national sovereignty is the responsibility of every Vietnamese citizen. Therefore, it is our duty to speak up, be vigilant and call for the following:

First, in regards to the bilateral relationship, China constantly makes grave political and economic threats against Vietnam. China has ambitions to use its strength to occupy and control trade routes in the East Sea. These ambitions threaten the fundamental principle of freedom of navigation and greatly impact development and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. For Vietnam, China’s territorial aggression causes significant damage to Vietnam’s resources and fisheries as well as threatens national security.

Second, because China’s ambitions are raising international concern, this is the time when our interests and those of other countries align. As a result, to effectively respond to such ambitions, the Vietnamese government must promote cooperation and the development of alliances with countries that share concerns regarding the East Sea such as the United States, India, and Japan. This is also the time to re-examine Vietnam’s relationship with China, re-examine the comprehensive cooperation enshrined in what is known as the “4 Goods” and “16 Golden Words”, re-examine unfair agreements, and renounce the usage of bilateral negotiations with China as this is Beijing’s method to trap Vietnam. Instead, the Vietnamese government should take China to the international courts as the Philippines has done.

Third, China continues to construct artificial islands in the East Sea for military purposes and constantly attacks Vietnamese fishermen around the Paracel and Spratly Islands. Given China’s blatant disregard to objections from Vietnam and many other countries within the region, the Vietnamese regime cannot lay out the red carpet to welcome Chinese President Xi Jinping! The Vietnamese people must say “No!” regarding President Xi Jinping’s visit to Vietnam, and Hanoi should rescind its intention to welcome President Xi Jinping as state-media has reported. This is a necessary diplomatic response to assert our position against a neighbor that has oppressed and looked down upon the Vietnamese people.

We, the following signatories, proclaim this statement a declaration of the Vietnamese people who are concerned about our country’s future, and who call for solidarity in face of this serious threat. In order to maintain our independence and sovereignty from China, we need to develop the strength of the people, build a strong and prosperous country, and forge stronger relationships with countries that have similar goals.


1. Nguyễn Xuân Anh, Former prisoner of conscience – Nghệ An
2. Trần Văn Bang, Engineer – Sài Gòn
3. Nguyễn Vũ Bình, Journalist, Former prisoner of conscience – Hà Nội
4. Huỳnh Ngọc Chênh, Journalist – Sài Gòn
5. Nguyễn Kim Chi, Actress – Hà Nội
6. Tống Văn Chính, Hoa Hao Buddhist – An Giang
7. Quách Văn Công, Social activist – Lâm Đồng
8. Nguyễn Văn Cừ – Hải Dương
9. Nguyễn Kim Cương – Hà Nội
10. Lương Văn Diện – Hải Dương
11. Lê Quang Du – Sài Gòn
12. Thái Văn Dung, Former prisoner of conscience – Nghệ An
13. Đặng Văn Dũng, Hà Nam
14. Hoàng Dũng, Human rights activist – Sài Gòn
15. Lã Việt Dũng, Engineer – Hà Nội
16. Nguyễn Văn Duyệt, Former prisoner of conscience – Nghệ An
17. Nguyễn Văn Đài, Lawyer, Former prisoner of conscience – Hà Nội
18. Ngô Nhật Đăng, Journalist – Sài Gòn
19. Nguyễn Văn Đề, Social Activist – Hà Nội
20. Nguyễn Văn Điền, Hoa Hao Buddhist – Đồng Tháp
21. Lê Công Định, Lawyer, Former prisoner of conscience – Hà Nội
22. Ninh Thị Định – Hải Phòng
23. Trần Hữu Đức, Former prisoner of conscience – Nghệ An
24. Nguyễn Hữu Giải, Reverend – Huế
25. Hoàng Văn Giảng – Hải Dương
26. Nguyễn Thanh Hà, Teacher – Hà Nội
27. Nguyễn Thị Hà – Hải Phòng
28. Đỗ Thị Minh Hạnh, Former prisoner of conscience – Sài Gòn
29. Nguyễn Thúy Hạnh – Hà Nội
30. Nguyễn Văn Hiên – Bắc Ninh
31. Lê Quang Hiển, Hoa Hao Buddhist – Sài Gòn
32. Nguyễn Hoàng Hoa, Pastor – Trà Vinh
33. Phan Tấn Hòa, Hoa Hao Buddhist – Cần Thơ
34. Phạm Minh Hoàng, University Professor, Former prisoner of conscience – Sài Gòn
35. Lê Hùng, Social Activist – Hà Nội
36. Lê Anh Hùng, Social Activist – Hà Nội
37. Nguyễn Thanh Huân, Human rights activist, Nghệ An
38. Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng, Pastor – Sài Gòn
39. Nguyễn Thế Hùng, University professor – Đà Nẵng
40. Phan Văn Hùng – Hà Nội
41. Vũ Hùng, Teacher, Former prisoner of conscience – Hà Nội
42. Vũ Mạnh Hùng, Teacher – Hà Nội
43. Đỗ Ngọc Hương, Small business owner – Hải Phòng
44. Trần Thị Hường, Pro-life activist – Hà Nội
45. Trương Minh Hưởng – Hà Nam
46. Lê Quang Huy, Teacher – Thái Nguyên
47. Dương Kim Khải, Pastor, Former prisoner of conscience – Sài Gòn
48. Lê Văn Khôi, Worker – Nghệ An
49. Hoàng Văn Khởi – Hà Nội
50. Nguyễn Kiêu, Student, Sài Gòn
51. Nguyễn Thị Lan – Hải Phòng
52. Nguyễn Kim Lân, First Master Cao Dai – Vĩnh Long
53. Đặng Băn Lê – Hải Phòng
54. Vũ Linh, Teacher – Hà Nội
55. Nguyễn Trung Lĩnh, Engineer, Former prisoner of conscience – Hà Nội
56. Phan Văn Lợi, Reverend – Huế
57. Đinh Đức Long, PhD, Medical Doctor – Sài Gòn
58. Võ Phi Long, Social activist – Sài Gòn
59. Bùi Văn Lược, Hoa Hao Buddhist – Vĩnh long
60. Lỗ Ngọc Lê Đình Lượng, Human rights activist – Nghệ An
61. Đặng Văn Mạnh – Hà Nam
62. Đặng Ngọc Minh, Former prisoner of conscience – Trà Vinh
63. Vũ Đức Minh, Social activist – Hà Nội
64. Nguyễn Huy Năng, Social activist – Ninh Bình
65. Vũ Đức Ninh – Hải Dương
66. Nguyễn Thị Nga, Small business owner – Hải Phòng
67. Trần Thị Thúy Nga, Social Activist – Hà Nam
68. Nguyễn Xuân Nghĩa, Writer, Former prisoner of conscience – Hải Phòng
69. Nguyễn Danh Ngọc, Teacher – Bắc Giang
70. Nguyễn Huyền Nguyên – Hải Phòng
71. Trần Minh Nhật, Former prisoner of conscience – Lâm Đồng
72. Nguyễn Thị Khiêm Nhu, Writer – Sài Gòn
73. Nguyễn Văn Oai, Former prisoner of conscience – Nghệ An
74. Hồ Văn Oanh, Former prisoner of conscience – Nghệ An
75. Tô Oanh, Teacher – Bắc Giang
76. Hứa Phi, First Master Cao Dai – Lâm Đồng
77. Phan Văn Phong – Hà Nội
78. Trần Hoàng Phúc, Law student – Sài Gòn
79. Nguyễn Bạch Phụng, First Master Cao Dai – Vĩnh Long
80. Trịnh Bá Phương, Social Activist – Hà Nội
81. Lê Quốc Quân, Lawyer, Former prisoner of conscience – Hà Nội
82. Nguyễn Đan Quế, Doctor, Former prisoner of conscience – Sài Gòn
83. Bạch Hồng Quyền, Media, Social Activist – Hà Nội
84. Ngô Duy Quyền, Social Activist – Bắc Giang
85. Lê Văn Sóc, Hoa Hao Buddhist – Vĩnh Long
86. Lai Tiến Sơn – Hà Nội
87. Chu Mạnh Sơn, Former prisoner of conscience – Nghệ An
88. Nguyễn Mạnh Sơn, Former prisoner of conscience – Hải Phòng
89. Paulus Lê Sơn, Former prisoner of conscience – Thanh Hóa
90. Trương Minh Tam, Former prisoner of conscience – Hà Nam
91. Hòa Thượng Thích Không Tánh – Sài Gòn
92. Dương thị Tân, Former prisoner of conscience – Sài Gòn
93. Nguyên Công Thanh, Mechanic – Sài Gòn
94. Lê Ngọc Thanh, Reverend – Sài Gòn
95. Nguyễn Văn Thành – Hải Phòng
96. Trần Đức Thạch, Former prisoner of conscience – Nghệ An
97. Nguyễn Trọng Thao – Hải Dương
98. Nguyễn Thị Thâu – Hải Phòng
99. Đinh Hữu Thoại, Reverend – Sài Gòn
100. Huỳnh Công Thuận, ARVN Veteran – Sài Gòn
101. Trần Ngọc Thuận – Hà Nội
102. Bùi Thị Thu – Hải Phòng
103. Nguyễn Thị Minh Thư – Student, Sài Gòn
104. Nguyễn Thị Thúy – Hải Phòng
105. Nguyễn Trọng Thủy – Hà Nội
106. Nguyễn Tường Thụy, Journalist – Hà Nội
107. Nguyễn Trung Tôn, Pastor, Former prisoner of conscience – Thanh Hóa
108. Phạm Toàn, Teacher- Hà Nội
109. Nguyễn Huyền Trang, Reporter – Sài Gòn
110. Nguyễn Văn Tráng, Student – Thanh Hóa
111. Nguyễn Trung Trực, Former prisoner of conscience – Quảng Bình
112. Thân Văn Trường, Pastor – Sài Gòn
113. Nguyễn Bắc Truyển, Former prisoner of conscience – Sài Gòn
114. Từ Anh Tú, Social Activist – Hà Nội
115. Nguyễn Ngọc Tuấn – Hải Dương
116. Chu Văn Tuấn, Social activist – Nghệ An
117. Lê Thanh Tùng, Media – Sài Gòn
118. Nguyễn Thị Tươi – Hải Dương
119. Đinh Quang Tuyến, Tour guide – Sài Gòn
120. Đỗ Văn Tuyển, Former prisoner of conscience – Hải Dương
121. Lê Thị Vân – Hải Phòng
122. Hà Thị Vân, Religious activist – Hà Nội
123. Nguyễn Văn Viên, Social Activist – Nam Định
124. JB Nguyễn Hữu Vinh, Journalist – Hà Nội
125. Đinh Nhật Uy, Engineer (Information Technology) – Long An
126. Nguyễn Phương Uyên, Student, Former prisoner of conscience – Bình Thuận
127. Phan Thị Hải Yến, Accountant – Sài Gòn

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