Australian MP demands an immediate release of all political prisoners in Vietnam

Luke Simpkins

14th September 2009

Mr Nguyen Minh Triet
c/o Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
6 Timbarra Cresent

Dear Mr Nguyen,

My name is Luke Simpkins, Federal Member for Cowan electorate, Western Australia.

My electorate has a considerable number of Vietnamese Australian constituents, who have made many valuable contributions to Australia and particularly in the Cowan electorate. They have prospered under the freedoms we have in Australia and because of their very positive work ethic.

Many of them have voices their concern about the current political situation in Vietnam, where the government continues to oppress its citizens. In the past, the Governement arrested many dissidents such as journalist and dissident Nguyen Khac Toan, cyber-dissident Le Nguyen Sang, lawyer Le Thi Cong Nhan, father Nguyen Van Ly and more recently, lawyer Le Cong Dinh, youth activist Nguyen Tien Trung and many other dissidents.

I was informed that Father Ly’s and lawyer Nhan’s health are deteriorated significantly due to the poor living conditions in prison. I therefore, demand them to be released immediately in order to seek medical attentions as required.

Also, detaining peaceful dissidents contravenes Vietnam’s own Constitution and its obligation under international law. Therefore, an immadiate and unconditional release of all political prisoners would benefit Vietnam’s international standing.

It is an honour to represent the Vietnamese in my electorate, since they are one the most successful ethic communities in Cowan, and the fact that they have the right to speak freely, the right to worship their religious belief and the right to challenge the government via the ballot if necessarily, brought further success and happiness in their life. These are the sort of liberties where the Vietnamese people in Vietnam do not have.

Once again, I call upon the Government of Vietnam to consider its position regarding human rights issues and release all political prisoners.

Yours sicerely,