Canadian MP Judy Sgro speaks out for land right activist Tran Thi Thuy

Judy Sgro

December 4, 2012

The Honorable Nguyen Tan Dung, Prime Minister
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
2 Hoang Van Thu Hanoi, Vietnam

Mr. Prime Minister,

I am writing to add my name to the list of those concerned with recent reports involving systemic human rights violations in you country. By way of example, I would cite reports pertaining to the detention and imprisonment of Ms. Tran Thi Thuy.

Based upon my own research and the information provided to my office by community representatives within my constituency, it would appear that Ms. Thuy was detained without due process in August of 2010 save for a secret tribunal which subsequently imposed an eight-year prison term without regard for open or transparent justice. With this in mind, I respectfully submit that, should Vietnam wish to foster a reputation as a responsible member of the international community, your administration must strive to prevent such injustices.

Additionally, I must express my profound concern over reports that Ms. Thuy has been subjected to cruelties while in custody. Moreover, it is my understanding that Ms. Thuy has been denied access to medical treatment and independent legal representation. These transgressions represent serious breaches of international law and basic human rights and speak to larger issues. This matter has now been raised in nations such as Australia and Canada and it is my intention to share my concerns with elected colleagues in other juridictions. I trust you will consider your position and echo these sentiments in the days to come.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to your reply via swift action.


Hon. Judy A. Sgro, MP
York West

Judy Sgro’s letter to Nguyen Tan Dung (pdf)