Digital Activists: “Free Thuy-Nhan-Nghien”

“Free Thuy-Nhan-Nghien” Campaign

March 8, 2010

Campaign to call for the release of three renowned women activists

Orange County, CA – For nearly 100 years, International Women’s Day on March 8 has been the global day of celebration connecting all women around the world and inspiring them to achieve their full potential. In Vietnam, International Women’s Day is a national holiday, where women’s contributions are recognized. Ironically, Vietnam is also home to a regime that has imprisoned many courageous men and women activists for practicing their political and social rights.

In response to Viet Tan’s global campaign to demand the immediate and unconditional release of three human rights and democracy activists: Tran Khai Thanh Thuy, Le Thi Cong Nhan and Pham Thanh Nghien, a coalition of digital activists launches a campaign to honor these three courageous Vietnamese women activists.

Thuy, 49 years old, is a writer, blogger and honorary member of PEN. She is also a champion in the fight against corruption. Thuy was beaten and arrested in October 2009 after travelling to the trials of fellow dissidents. She is serving a three-and-half-year prison sentence.

Nhan, 31 years old, is a human rights lawyer who has been in jail since March 2007 for criticizing the arbitrary practices by which the Vietnamese authorities silenced peaceful dissents. She is currently under house arrest after serving a three-year prison sentence.

Nghien, 33 years old, is a cyber activist who campaigned against official corruption. She is serving a four-year prison sentence and subsequently three years of house arrest for criticizing government policies and petitioning to hold a peaceful demonstration.

As part of the month-long awareness campaign, we call on all Internet users and digital activists to take actions and join the fight to “Free Thuy-Nhan-Nghien”:

On Facebook: From March 8th through March 14th, donate your status to “We express to free the oppressed: Thuy-Nhan-Nghien“and update Facebook profile photo to Thuy-Nhan-Nghien Avatar.

On Twitter: From March 8th through March 14th, tweet “We express to free the oppressed: Thuy–Nhan–Nghien”, using the hash tag “#freetnn”

On blog websites: From March 8th through March 14th, write a blog and syndicate materials from


“Free Thuy-Nhan-Nghien” Campaign