Letter from French Member of Parliament, Françoise HOSTALIER

Françoise Hostalier

Ancien Ministre – Député du Nord
Présidente de A D H
BP97 – 59850 NIEPPE

Mr. Nguyen Minh Triet
President of Socialist Republic of Vietnam
c/o SRV Embassy
16 rue Boileau
75016 Paris

Paris, January 22nd, 2008

Dear Mr. President,

In January 17, 2007, 6 people of various nationalites were arrested in HCM City, allegedly for disseminating propaganda against the State.

Some, in which Madame Nguyen Thi Thanh Van – a French citizen – was released later. I welcomed this release.

However, Mr. Somsak Khunmi, a Thai citizen is still held in detention. Mr. Khunmi is a journalist and together with others in the group participated in a news document on the people filing grievance about their land.

Vietnam is a country currently developing its economy and has working relations with other democratic nation thus cannot falling back in the area human rights.

I respectfully wish you do what you can to intervene so Mr. Somsak Khunmi is released and go back to Thailand as soon as possible.

While waiting for the news, I would like to send my thanks and appreciation.

Françoise Hostalier