Letter from Gary Humphries Senator for the ACT to Viet Nam Prime Minister

Gary Humphries

Dear Prime Minister,

I understand that Mr Do nam Hai was recently arrested in Saigon after a meeting he had with Mr Nguyen Phong.

Mr Do Nam Hai is renowned internationally as an advocate for democracy and human rights in Vietnam. He has recently been awarded a prize and honourable recognition by Human Rights Watch for his courageous work in highlighting human rights violations in Vietnam. His arrest is yet another condemnation of your government’s policy especially considering the goodwill emanating from the recent APEC meeting.

I have recently adopted Mr Do Nam Hai as a political ’brother’ and am accordingly very disappointed with his detention and the continued political harassment by your police and gonerment officials.

I am writing this letter to urge you to cease persecution of all political and religious advocates and to release Mr Do Nam Hai immediately.

Thankyou for your attention to these important issues.

Yours sincerely

Gary Humphries Senator for the ACT

16/ February 2007

Letter from Gary Humphries Senator for the ACT to Viet Nam Prime Minister