Letter to Dr. Nguyen Quoc Quan from Lou Correa, Senator

Lou Correa

January 2, 2008

Dear Dr. Nguyen Quoc Quan,

I understand that you’ve been arrested for more than 46 days for participating in the non-violent movement for freedom, democracy and human rights in Viet Nam. I commend and admire your selflessness and commitment to this struggle.

I have been getting numerous calls from concerned constituents regarding your imprisonment. My staff and I are currently working with my local constituents, colleagues in Sacramento and members of the US Congress regarding this matter. Please know that we are doing all that we can for your immediate release.

Please keep your spirits high, stay strong and rest assured that we are doing all that we can for your release. I have and will continue to stand with you, my constituents and the entire Vietnamese American community in your struggle for freedom, human rights and a better future for VN


Lou Correa
California State Senator, 34th District

Letter to Dr. Nguyen Quoc Quan from Lou Correa, Senator