Letter to Vietnam Prime Minister from Luke Simpkins, MP

Luke Simpkins

Luke Simpkins MP
Federal Member for Cowan

9 May 2008

The honorable Nguyen Tan Dung
Prime Minister
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
2 Hoang Van Thu
(Vietnamese Embassy Canberra)

Dear Prime Minister,

I am writing on behalf of the people of the Australian Federal Electorate of Cowan whom are of Vietnamese heritage. My constituents in Cowan are gravely concerned about the arrests of the following men and woman in Vietnam:

1) Dr Nguyen Quoc Quan – an American citizen (still arrested)
2) Ms Nguyen Thi Thanh van, a French citizen (released on 12/12/2007)
3) Mr Truong Leon (Van Ba), an American citizen (released on 11/12/2007)
4) Mr Somsak Khunmi, a Thai citizen (still arrested)
5) Mr Nguyen The Vu, a Vietnamese citizen (still arrested)
6) Mr Nguyen Viet Trung, a Vietnamese citizen (released on 04/04/2008)

It is my understanding that they were arrested on 17 November 2007 for their participation in discussions and printing of materials that promote democratic values. I also understand that Dr Nguyen Quoc Quan, Mr Somsak Khunmi and Mr Nguyen The Vu are to face trial on 13 May 2008.

On behalf of my constituents, I ask that the charges be dropped against these men.

In the eventuality that the Government of Vietnam proceeds with the trial, I ask that the trial be open to the scrutiny of international media.

Yours sincerely,

Federal Member for Cowan