Letter to Vietnam Prime Minister from VAN TRAN and DAVE JONES, Assemblymembers


May 8, 2008

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung
c/o Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
1233 20th Street, NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20063

Dear Prime Minister Dung,

We write to you today on behalf of three individuals, including an American citizen, who were peacefully promoting democracy in Vietnam and were arrested, detained, and now face trial on May 13, 2008.

The names of the individuals are as follows:

• Dr. Nguyen Quoc Quan: Citizen of the United States
• Mr. Nguyen The Vu: Citizen of Vietnam
• Mr. Somsak Khunmi: Citizen of Thailand

These individuals have been detained for 171 days without trial. According to Dr. Quan’s lawyer, he will be charged with violating Vietnam’s Article 84, which is “terrorism and propaganda against the state.” Dr. Quan and the other detainees were peacefully promoting democratic change and were handing out pro-democracy literature when they were detained.

We strongly urge the immediate release of Dr. Quan and the other detainees and their return to their families and loved ones. These individuals are peaceful advocates of democracy and should not be treated and labeled as terrorists. We are deeply concerned that there has been a flagrant disregard for internationally-recognized human principles in this case.

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, of which Vietnam is a signatory, guarantees an individual’s right to peaceful political dissent and the freedom of expression. Vietnam’s constitution also provides support and protection of these fundamental rights. The treatment of Dr. Quan and the other detainees is a clear breach of these principles and commitments.

The United States government, and many other recognized elected governmental officials of the United States, have repeatedly called for Dr. Quan’s release. These requests have been ignored to this point. Again, we request the immediate release of Dr. Quan and his fellow detainees.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Please feel free to contact Ms. J’aime Rosales of Assemblyman Tran’s staff at (916) 319-2068 should you have any questions.


Assemblyman, 68th District

Assemblymember, 9th District

cc: President George W. Bush, United States of America