Letter to Vietnam Prime Minister on arrest of members and supporters of Viet Tan from The Hon. David Clarke MLC

The Hon. David Clarke MLC

21 November 2007

The Hon. Nguyen Tan Dung
Prime Minister
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
2 Hoang Van Thu Street

Dear Prime Minister,

I have been contacted by many of my constituents who have asked me to expressto you their deep concerns regarding the recent arrest of a number of members and supporters of the Viet Tan organisation who have been engaged in peaceful activities in support of political and human rights,

Included among those arrested and detained are:

– Dr Nguyen Quoe Quan
– Ms Nguyen Thi Thanh Van
– Mr Truong Van Ba
– Mr Nguyen The Vu(and his younger brother Mr Nguyen The Khiem)and
– Mr Khunmi Somsak

There is a wide spread and growing concern here in Australia that their arrest and detention is merely for participating in discussion (and publishing infonnation) pertaining to democratic values.

If this is indeed the reason for their detention then it would appear to be a clear violation of the Universal Declaration of HumanRights.

Such incidents do not contribute to a positive international image of Vietnam but to the contrary fuel concern that wide spread violations of democratic and humanrights persist. The release of the detained persons referred to above would,I believe,conbibute to a more positive image of Vietnam in Australia and elsewhere.

Yours faithfully,

David Clarke MLC

Letter to Vietnam Prime Minister on arrest of members and supporters of Viet Tan from The Hon David Clarke MLC