Response of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs to the Million hearts, One voice petition

Didier Burkhalter

Swiss Confederation
The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)

Democracy for Vietnam
Comité Suisse Vietnam

Mr. Luy Nguyen Tang
Chemin de la Métairie 22
1218 Grand-Saconnex
Berne, 25 March 2013

Petition for the prisoners of conscience in Vietnam: “Million Hearts, One Voice”

Dear Sir:

I acknowledge receipt of your petition dated 24 January 2013, in which you mention your concern regarding the prisoners of conscience in Vietnam. It caught all my attention.

Promoting the respect of human rights is one of the objectives of Swiss foreign policy, enshrined in the Federal Constitution. In this regard, Switzerland recognizes the critical role of the defenders of human rights in promoting human rights and strengthening the rule of law.

The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs is regularly informed, particularly through its Embassy in Hanoi, of the evolution of the human rights situation in Vietnam. Switzerland has conducted a dialogue with Vietnam on this subject since 1997. During these meetings, some individual cases, including those of the human rights defenders, are directly addressed. This also permits discussion of some of the cases mentioned in the petition with the Vietnamese authorities.

During the current session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland officially expressed its concern regarding harassment, arrests and imprisonment of persons exercising their rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly or association, or criticizing the government, in particular in Vietnam. It called upon the authorities to undertake serious political reforms to guarantee full respect of civil and political rights and to immediately release all political prisoners. Switzerland will remain actively committed both at the bilateral and multilateral levels in favour of the respect and promotion of human rights in Vietnam.

Yours faithfully,

Didier Burkhalter
Conseiller fédéral

Didier Burkhalter’s letter (in french)