Seventh Day of Protest: Public security increases police force to more than 100 men


Reporting from Saigon, June 28, 2007

Today, June 28, 2007 the public security has increased their force to more than 100 public security officials, warning that they will dissolve the protest. Despite the warnings, the protesters are still carrying banners and protesting in front of the Congressional building in Saigon. They agree on one basic conviction: they are staying and are prepared for any retaliation from the public security.

At the moment, approximately 250 people are protesting. They are divided into two groups, each approximately 100 people. One group is lining up close to the fence of the building, carrying banners. Whereas the other group lines up on the pavement, trying to protect the other group if the public security attacks them. They are determined to stay until their voices have been heard.