Special photo essay: Viet Tan’s public demonstration in Hanoi on October 9, 2010

October 10, 2010

To mark the 1000th anniversary of Hanoi (historically known as Thang Long), Viet Tan organized a peaceful demonstration in the capital city on the afternoon of October 9, 2010 at the Ly Thai To monument and park. A Viet Tan representative read out a statement declaring: “For the thousand-year love of Thang Long, Vietnamese must face down the Chinese threat.”

Here is a photo exhibit of the events on that day:

A bustling Hanoi on the morning of October 9, 2010
Viet Tan members had to be careful to avoid Security Police posted around the park
Preparing for the public demonstration
At 12pm, Viet Tan members unfurl their banner: “For the thousand-year love of Thang Long (Hanoi), Vietnamese must face the Chinese threat”
A Viet Tan member reads a statement calling on all Vietnamese “to assume the responsibility and right to defend the nation’s interests.”
…..scores of onlookers gather…
…..members of local and international media were also present….
Flyers of Viet Tan’s statement were passed out to the audience
T-shirts and hats were passed out to those wanting to sport their love of Hanoi
Viet Tan members talking to members of the press and conversing with the crowd
About 30 minutes later, members of Viet Tan leave the park