Statement on the 11th Congress of the Vietnamese Communist Party

Viet Tan

January 19, 2011

The Vietnamese Communist Party concluded its 11th Congress today, conferring to itself monopoly power over the nation irrespective of the consequences to the people.

The communist leadership’s rejection of pluralism in the 21st century confirms the regime’s status as a political backwater. It is a rejection contrary to the path of human progress, to the aspirations of Vietnamese citizens and to the warnings of even some Communist Party members. More so than ever, the current dictatorship is the root cause of Vietnam’s backwardness.

The decisions of the 11th Congress demonstrate that the VCP is most interested in maintaining its political control. The makeup of the new Politburo consists of individuals who have readily traded away Vietnamese national interests to China for Beijing’s financial and political patronage. The choices by the Communist Party leadership are not only a misfortune for the Vietnamese people but are also a concern for Party members who place the nation’s interests foremost.

Today, the 19th of January, is the anniversary of the 1974 Chinese seizure of the Paracel (Hoang Sa) islands in which 37 servicemen of the Republic of Vietnam gave their lives. Instead of marking this solemn date, the Vietnamese Communist Party has selected a leadership responsible for making territorial concessions to Beijing and inviting state-owned Chinese interests to mine bauxite in the Central Highlands.

Vietnam will not realize its full potential until all of its citizens have equal voice and opportunity. Vietnam’s future must be decided by all of its citizens, not an unelected political elite.

The mission of Viet Tan is to overcome dictatorship, build the foundation for a sustainable democracy, and demand justice and human rights for the Vietnamese people through a nonviolent struggle based on civic participation.


Duy Hoang +1.202.470.0845

Statement on the 11th Congress of the Vietnamese Communist Party