Tag: 2.Kinh Tế

Behind Firm’s Default: Vietnam’s Growth Mania

December 25, 2010 HANOI—State-owned shipbuilder Vinashin’s default on a $600 million loan late last week is just the latest crisis…

The bad news and then the really bad news in Vietnam

August 23, 2010 LET’s take the really bad news first, because not only did it stink, but the Western governments…

Qantas duo rescued from Vietnam

July 30, 2010 How a foreign posting went horribly wrong for two Jetstar executives. Matt O’Sullivan reports. They were two…

Vietnam’s gravy train derailed

July 7, 2010 By The Hanoist Exposing a growing rift in Vietnam’s one-party regime, the communist-controlled National Assembly has rejected…

Vietnam teeters towards a currency crisis

Asia Times Online September 21, 2009 The Vietnamese currency, the dong, could face a significant devaluation given worsening macroeconomic conditions…

Trade pact neither free nor fair

March 17, 2009 People don’t go skiing in Vietnam, yet Hanoi imposes taxes 40 per cent on imported ski boots,…