Tag: censorship

How tech companies enable censorship in Vietnam

Tech companies operating in Vietnam are urged to uphold global human rights standards and to protect the rights of their…

Real time online censorship in Vietnam

The Vietnamese government stepped up its online censorship as To Lam — general secretary and president of the Socialist Republic…

Facebook Has Been Accused Of Helping The Vietnamese Government Crack Down On Dissent

April 10, 2018 | Megha Rajagopalan The open letter from human rights activists and independent media groups in Vietnam criticizing Mark…

Joint Declaration by Vietnamese Civil and Political Organizations Regarding the Government’s Reaction towards the Environmental Disaster in Central Vietnam

To: • Vietnamese people in Vietnam and around the world • International governments, organisations and foreign media It has been…

Open Letter to Member and Observer States of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC)

Support resolution on the promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the internet (A/HRC/32/L.20) 29 June 2016 Your Excellency,…

Vietnam After Obama

May 30, 2016 Obama’s Vietnam visit could nudge domestic change while pushing Hanoi away from Beijing When Xi Jinping paid…

Vietnam restricted access to Facebook during Obama visit: activists

May 26, 2016 SAN FRANCISCO | BY YASMEEN ABUTALEB The Vietnamese government restricted access to Facebook Inc inside Vietnam for…

Ahead of National Assembly election, Vietnamese authorities resort to “ballot stuffing” on independent platform for political expression

May 22, 2016 On the eve of the National Assembly elections in Vietnam, state-sponsored hackers fail to shut down the…