Tag: cybersecurity law

Internet Freedom Campaign

Vital to Vietnam’s development, the Internet has the power to transform Vietnamese society; in many ways it already has. In…

How Vietnam’s state trolls are undermining free speech and democracy

Vietnam has deployed an army of online trolls and cyber troops who are spreading not just disinformation but also conducting…

Hanoi’s “Cybersecurity” Law

Viet Tan brings you the latest analysis on pressing issues in Vietnam. Due to come into effect on January 1, 2019,…

Letter from 20 Senators and Members of Congress to Facebook and Google

20 Members of Congress and Senators including Vietnam Caucus chairs Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Alan Lowenthal (D-CA)…

US legislators urge Facebook and Google to defy Vietnam data law

Hanoi’s new cyber security move attacked as crackdown on free expression John Reed | July 17, 2018 A group of US…

US Lawmakers Urge Facebook, Google Not to Comply With Vietnam Cybersecurity Law

Joshua Lipes | July 17, 2018 Nearly two dozen members of the U.S. Congress have written to the heads of…