Tag: Facebook

AN OPEN LETTER TO MARK ZUCKERBERG: The World’s Freedom of Expression is in Your Hands

Dear Mark Zuckerberg: What do the Philadelphia Museum of Art, a Danish member of parliament, and a news anchor from…

Vietnam keeps throwing people in jail for their Facebook posts

David Gilbert | September 28, 2018 Vietnam sent a stern warning to dissidents this week: criticize the government online and…

Vietnam’s government just jailed an activist for 20 years based on his Facebook posts

David Gilbert | August 17, 2018 A court in Vietnam Thursday sentenced an environmental campaigner to 20 years in jail…

Vietnamese authorities use Facebook content to sentence Le Dinh Luong to 20 years prison

A successful businessman turned community organizer and blogger, Le Dinh Luong was sentenced to 20 years followed by 5 years…

Letter from 20 Senators and Members of Congress to Facebook and Google

20 Members of Congress and Senators including Vietnam Caucus chairs Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Alan Lowenthal (D-CA)…

US legislators urge Facebook and Google to defy Vietnam data law

Hanoi’s new cyber security move attacked as crackdown on free expression John Reed | July 17, 2018 A group of US…

US Lawmakers Urge Facebook, Google Not to Comply With Vietnam Cybersecurity Law

Joshua Lipes | July 17, 2018 Nearly two dozen members of the U.S. Congress have written to the heads of…

Is Facebook helping Vietnam suppress online dissent?

Activists say the US social media giant is obliging Communist Party requests to block and take down democracy and rights-related…

Civil Society Groups Form Coalition to Demand Parity, Transparency and Accountability from Facebook in the Global South

TORONTO, CANADA (May 18, 2018): Frontline organizers and activists representing Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, India, Syria, Philippines and Ethiopia…

Facebook Has Been Accused Of Helping The Vietnamese Government Crack Down On Dissent

April 10, 2018 | Megha Rajagopalan The open letter from human rights activists and independent media groups in Vietnam criticizing Mark…

Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg re: content takedowns and account suspensions in Vietnam

Dear Mark, As you consider ways to ensure Facebook continues to be the platform that makes the world a more…

Vietnam activists question Facebook on suppressing dissent

HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnamese human rights activists and independent media groups have written to Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Inc’s chief executive,…