Tag: TL-Dan Oan 27 ngày

Headache in Hanoi

August 15, 2007 Fetch the aspirin, because the communist regime in Hanoi has a new human-rights headache. A monthlong land…

Letter to Vietnam State President on Saigon Protest

July 24, 2007 His Excellency President Triet c/o Embassy of Vietnam 1233 20th Street, NW #400 Washington, DC 20036 Dear…

Letter to Vietnam Prime Minister on Saigon Protest

July 24, 2007 His Excellency President Triet c/o Embassy of Vietnam 1233 20th Street, NW #400 Washington, DC 20036 Dear…

Letter to Australian Prime Minister on Saigon Protest

The Rt. Hon. John W. Howard Prime Minister of Australia Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 20 July 2007 Dear Prime…

Vietnamese Communist Government Sends in Police to Forcibly End Mass Protest in Saigon

July 19, 2007 Utilizing a force of over a thousand uniformed and plainclothes police, the Vietnamese communist authorities cleared the…

Protesters disband after police mobilization

New Horizon Radio (Chan Troi Moi) by Nguyen Vu Saigon, July 18, 2007 Nguyen Vu: Am I speaking with Sinh?…

Diary for Justice

Diary for Justice: A journal on the days of protest with aggrieved citizens at the National Assembly Office II on…

Vietnamese journalist assaulted, land protesters came to aid

Saigon , 11:30 PM, July 14, 2007 At 9:00 AM, about 200 aggrieved citizens marched on the street of Saigon.…

Vietnamese peasants protest over land policy, graft

HO CHI MINH CITY, July 11 (Reuters) Scores of peasant farmers have protested for three weeks outside a Vietnamese government…

Aggrieved Petition

Socialist Republic of Vietnam Independence-Freedom-Happiness PETITION To:  National Assembly II   Prime Minister Office   Public Security Office   All…

Land Protest Spreads to Can Tho Province

New Horizon Radio (Chan Troi Moi) by Hoang Ha Can Tho, July 8, 2007 The protests to demand justice of…

Prominent Leader of Bloc 8406, Mr. Do Nam Hai Supports the Protest

New Horizon Radio (Chan Troi Moi) by Nguyen Hoang Thanh Tam Saigon, July 10, 2007 This is Nguyen Hoang-Thanh Tam,…