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US Citizen Faces Terror Charges in Vietnam

US Citizen Faces Terror Charges in Vietnam Patrick Goodenough, International Editor ( – An American national is due to go on trial in Vietnam next

MP told to leave Vietnam

A member of the Norwegian parliament who was traveling in Vietnam last week was ordered to leave the country, after he visited a dissident author.

French journalist released in Vietnam

December 13, 2007 New York, December 13, 2007—The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the release from detention on Wednesday of French journalist Nguyen Thi Thanh

Three Vietnamese-Americans released

House members hold news conference to urge freedom for last U.S. citizen still in Vietnamese custody. December 11, 2007 WASHINGTON It was a bittersweet scene

Vietnam Frees 3 U.S. Citizens

HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — Vietnam released three of four detained American citizens shortly after the U.S. ambassador demanded to see evidence of terrorism or other