Blogs in Vietnam follow closely the events in Burma
Oct. 4, 2007 While the Burmese state media controlled and limited the amount of news it gives to the people about the protests, many blogs
Oct. 4, 2007 While the Burmese state media controlled and limited the amount of news it gives to the people about the protests, many blogs
DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF THE MARCH FOR DEMOCRACY OF THE PEOPLE IN MYANMAR/BURMA TO: The Government of Myanmar/Burma All Sangha Leaders, Democratic Organizations and the
Zoya Phan, who spent 10 years in a Thai refugee camp after the Burmese military attacked her village, explains the emergence of the democracy movement
September 19, 2007 A large protest is to be held in front of the United Nations Headquarters on September 25, 2007 at 10am to protest
September 19, 2007 (CNSNews.com) – Vietnamese pro-democracy activists have welcomed the passage of legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives that ties future increases in
Vietnam Human Rights Act of 2007 (Introduced in House) HR 3096 IH 110th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 3096 To promote freedom and democracy in
Vin Y Het, a young Hroi ethnic minority man who refused to recant his Christian faith, died from injuries received while under official interrogation by
September 4, 2007 HANOI (AFP) – A rights group Tuesday said it fears communist Vietnam may soon arrest a dissident and supporter of dispossessed farmers
MEDIA RELEASE – PEACEFUL RALLY ON THE OCCASION OF APEC MEETING On the occasion of the APEC Summit Conference in Sydney, the Vietnamese Community in
HUMAN RIGHTS MUST BE DISCUSSED AT APEC LEADERS’ SUMMIT Dear Mr. Howard and Mr. Rudd, Since hosting APEC 2006 and its admission to WTO, the
August 15, 2007 Fetch the aspirin, because the communist regime in Hanoi has a new human-rights headache. A monthlong land protest in Ho Chi Minh