Vietnam Today

Human Rights Bill Passed

September 12, 2012 The U.S. House of Representatives votes to promote human rights in Vietnam and condemn the country’s rights record. American lawmakers have passed

Vietnam’s Phony War on Terror

August 30, 2012 Hanoi is forced to call a dissident a dissident. Sometimes being Orwellian is too much even for Communists. So it is with

Dissident Lawyer Attacked

August 20, 2012 A Vietnamese human rights lawyer is beaten near his home in Hanoi. An outspoken and formerly imprisoned Vietnamese rights lawyer said Monday

Vietnam’s War on the Blogosphere

August 14, 2012 By Bridget O’Flaherty Despite growing ties with the U.S., a recent self-immolation in Hanoi was emblematic of the country’s deteriorating human rights