Vietnam Today

Internet Draft Decree Slammed

June 7, 2012 The United States says the planned proposal will curtail online freedom of expression in Vietnam. Washington has voiced concerns to the Vietnamese

Vietnam rejects dissidents’ jail appeal

May 30, 2012 Vietnam has upheld the jail sentences of two human rights activists, throwing out an appeal against their conviction for spreading anti-government propaganda,

Court Rejects Activists’ Appeals

May 30, 2012 Vietnam throws out appeals by two activists sentenced for spreading propaganda against the state. A Vietnamese court on Wednesday dismissed the appeals

Catholics Face Trial for Social Activism

May 23, 2012 A rights group calls for the release of four young Vietnamese men. An international rights watchdog has called on Vietnam to release

Vietnam: Free Catholic Activists

May 22, 2012 Four Advocates Facing Trial for Social Activism (Bangkok) – Vietnamese authorities should immediately release four Catholic activists accused of conducting propaganda against