Viet Tan Position Statement on the Territorial Sovereignty of Vietnam

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Based upon:

  • the history of Chinese expansionism against Vietnam,
  • the recent orchestrated and repeated aggression by China in the East Sea,
  • the incapability of the Vietnamese Communist Party to resolve the East Sea
  • problem with so-called “big brother and comrade China.”

1. Viet Tan affirms that Vietnam’s territorial sovereignty is inviolable and includes the Paracel and Spratly Islands. China’s violations of Vietnam’s sovereignty in the East Sea; intimidation and sabotage of businesses; harassment and harm against fishermen are in direct violation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

2. Viet Tan affirms that only an end to the dictatorship, fostering of democracy, respect for human rights and immediate efforts to reform Vietnam will effectively safeguard the nation. For national solidarity to flourish, the Vietnamese communist authorities must release without delay democracy activists currently in jail and return to citizens the right to participate in national affairs.

3. Viet Tan affirms that the East Sea issue must be internationalized and resolved through multilateral negotiations. All schemes to pursue a bilateral accommodation with China are detrimental to the interests of the Vietnamese people.

4. Viet Tan resolves to lobby international public opinion, democratic governments and international institutions to condemn China’s encroachment on Vietnam. Viet Tan will continue to mobilize the Vietnamese people and work with organizations and parties inside and outside Vietnam to maintain the nation’s territorial sovereignty.

Safeguarding national interests is the right of all Vietnamese, rising above all ideologies and political parties. No authority can stop the people of Vietnam from defending the territorial integrity of the nation.


Contact: Duy Hoang +1.202.470.0845

PDF - 66.2 kb
Viet Tan Position Statement on the Territorial Sovereignty of Vietnam (pdf)

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