Letter to Vietnam Prime Minister from Christopher Pyne, MP

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17 December 2007

The Hon Nguyen Tan Dung
Prime Minister
Socialist Republic Vietnam
2 Hoang Van Thu Street

Dear Prime Minister


I have been informed by a constituent of the recent arrests of members and supporters of Viet Tan in Vietnam. These include Dr Nguyen Quoc Quan, Ms Nguyen Thi Thanh Van, Mr Truong Van Ba, Mr Nguyen The Vu and his young brother Mr Nguyen The Khiem and Mr Khunmi Somsak.

I was told that their current situation and whereabouts, in particular that of Dr Nguyen Quoc Quan are unknown since being arrested.

I am given to understand that these are peaceful citizens and the reason for their arrests was simply for participating in discussions and publishing information on democratic values. These are basic rights of every human being, rights which Vietnam has acknowledged by signing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

I am very concerned about these individuals and call upon you, Prime Minister, to release these peaceful activists lest it portray Vietnam to the international community as a haven of oppression and intolerance.

I trust you will do all in your power to arrange for their release.

Yours sincerely,

Christopher Pyne, MP

17 December 2007

PDF - 166.3 kb
Letter to Vietnam Prime Minister from Christopher Pyne, MP

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