Saigon – Family members of writer Do Nam Hai said that early morning of March 23rd, 2006, Public Security had forcefully taken Do Nam Hai out of the house with them despite his protest.
Until 10 PM of the same day, his family still does not know the whereabout of Do Nam Hai. The Public Security force who arrested Hai did not reveal the location where Hai was being held.
In the evening of the previous day, March 22, two Public Security personnel came to Do Nam Hai’s resident and summoned him to report to the station addressed 181 Hoang Van Thu, Ward 8, Phu Nhuan Province.
The summon ordered Do Nam Hai to report to the station at 8 AM on March 23 with reason to “clarify issues regarding Do Nam Hai’s letter to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tai”
Upon receiving the summon, Do Nam Hai wrote on the back: “Have received the summon dated March 22, 2006. However, I will not report to Phu Nhuan Public Security Station tomorrow morning as ordered in the summon. Reason: My letter to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tai, the Vice Chair of the People Committee of Ho Chi Minh City, not the Public Security”.
Therefore, in the morning of March 23, 2006, many public security personnel swamped Do Nam Hai’s residence forcing him to go with them, as well as confiscated his computer.
We hope that Vietnamese people, both inland and overseas, will send out alerts on Do Nam Hai’s recent arrest and advocate for his immediate release.
Reported by Vietnamese Democratic Movement
Information about writer Do Nam Hai
Political dissident and writer Do Nam Hai has been harassed and arrested several times since 2004 when he publicly calls for a public referendum for a pluralistic political system in Viet Nam.
On January 16 of 2006, the Vietnamese government issued decree numbered 119 to punish Do Nam Hai for circulating and keeping information regarding the call for such referendum. The decree also orders Do Nam Hai to pay a fine in the amount of twenty millions in Vietnamese money.

In an act of defiance, Do Nam Hai calls decree 119 unconstitutional, and therefore, refuses to pay the fine.
On March 16th, 2006, Do Nam Hai met with Luke Donnellan, Member of Australian Parliament, to discuss the current condition of human rights in Viet Nam.
Since his first arrest in 2004, Do Nam Hai was constantly subjected to threats, harassment, and detainment without due cause.