Articles & Speeches

Over 20 organizations call on the U.S. not to grant market economy status to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Hanoi is waging an intense lobbying campaign to ask the US government to grant “market economy” status to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. In response, more than 20 Vietnamese and international organizations wrote to US President Joe Biden, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to urge the US administration to refuse to grant this market economy status for Vietnam at this time.

How Canada can engage Vietnam while furthering its democratic values

As Canada pursues this long-term, multi-faceted strategy, it will undoubtedly prioritize certain relationships. Japan, South Korea and Australia certainly. These are all democracies and important economies. But perhaps Vietnam will be considered a strategic partner as well. The question is how Canada can engage Vietnam while furthering its democratic values?

Vietnam’s Prisoners of Conscience – 2023 Report

On January 1, 2023, Vietnam joined the United Nations Human Rights Council after an intense lobbying effort within the international community. Some hoped that this would lead to greater respect for human rights by the Vietnamese government, while others raised alarm about the contradicting nature of the situation. In particular, a country notorious for human rights violations is now tasked in the UN with promoting these rights internationally.

Vietnam’s Time to Choose

Hanoi’s reluctance to formalize a strategic relationship with Washington is well known. Observers have long noted the CPV’s fear of offending Beijing and its concerns that a closer relationship with the U.S. could foster “peaceful evolution” away from communist rule.

NGOs urge Biden to put pressure on Vietnam for human rights

As you will be visiting Vietnam on September 10th to strengthen the strategic ties between the United States and Vietnam, we, the undersigned organizations, write to express our extreme concern about the human rights situation in Vietnam.

Vietnam state trolls attack on April 30th

Every year, around April 30th (the date of the fall of Saigon and the end of the Vietnam War), Viet Tan’s social media accounts are targeted by cyberattacks from Vietnamese state trolls. This year, the trolls launched their offensive as early as April 28th, and it lasted until May 5th.

European Parliament urged to look closer into Human Rights and the EVFTA in Vietnam

On 28 February 2023, MEP Marianne Vind (S&D, Denmark) hosted a conference to discuss the state of play two years into the entry of the EVFTA at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. The EVFTA (EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement), signed on 30 June 2019, aims to strengthen human rights, freedom of assembly and labour rights in Vietnam, and give Vietnam frictionless trade access to Europe.

Collective Action for Paracel and Spratly Islands

Today, the international community agrees that the People’s Republic of China is carrying out increasingly aggressive actions in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly in the South China Sea. These hostilities began 49 years ago with the Chinese invasion of the Paracel islands (Hoàng Sa) on January 19, 1974, under Vietnamese sovereignty.