Press Releases

Freedom of Speech Outlawed in Vietnam

October 9, 2009 The Hanoi regime sentenced nine Vietnamese democracy activists to prison for publicly espousing democracy and asserting Vietnamese territorial claims in the Eastern

Hanoi Postpones An Inconvenient Trial

September 22, 2009 According to family sources, six Vietnamese democracy activists will not be tried as scheduled on September 24, 2009 in the northern city

More Internet Bloggers Arrested in Vietnam

Contact: Duy Hoang +1 (202) 470-0845 Since September last year, the Vietnamese government has unleashed a concerted campaign against independent journalists and bloggers. Using charges

Support Internet Freedom in Vietnam

July 23, 2009 Viet Tan is encouraging supporters of human rights in Vietnam to ask their Member of Congress to co-sponsor H.Res. 672. Introduced today