
Prominent lawyer jailed in Vietnam

Updated June 16, 2009 11:43:46 To Vietnam now where prominent lawyer Le Cong Dinh has just spent his third night in jail. The 41 year

Vietnam lawyer’s arrest worries US

June 16, 2009 A prominent lawyer arrested in Vietnam may have been detained because of his opposition to a bauxite mine being developed by Chinese

Pro-democracy lawyer arrested in Vietnam

Mon, 15 Jun 2009 Hanoi – The arrest of a prominent pro-democracy lawyer at the weekend on charges of “colluding with domestic and foreign reactionaries

Yahoo’s Delicate Dance in Vietnam

May 28, 2009 The portal is expanding in the Asian country but is taking pains to avoid being drawn into government efforts to curb citizens’

Peaceful Evolution Angst

May 24, 2009 HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM — The Vietnamese Communist Party, like its fraternal party in China, has identified the No. 1 threat