July 4, 2007: Aggrieved citizens from eight provinces join the protest in Saigon
New Horizon Radio (Radio Chan Troi Moi) by Nguyen Hoang Thanh Tam Saigon, July 5, 2007 Nguyen Hoang Thanh Tam (NHTT): Greetings to our audience
New Horizon Radio (Radio Chan Troi Moi) by Nguyen Hoang Thanh Tam Saigon, July 5, 2007 Nguyen Hoang Thanh Tam (NHTT): Greetings to our audience
New Horizon Radio (Chan Troi Moi) by Nguyen Hoang Thanh Tam Saigon, July 5, 2007 Greetings all listeners, this is Nguyen Hoang Thanh Tam bringing
Reporting from Saigon, July 4 2007 July 4, a day most know as the American Independence Day, but in Vietnam, the protest against corrupt officials
Radio New Horizon (Chan Troi Moi) by Nguyen Hoang Thanh Tam Saigon, July 3, 2007 “Police from Tien Giang province and the secret police arrested
Reporting from Saigon, July 3, 2007 In the early morning of July 3, 2007, the atmosphere at the protest becomes tense as the police force
Reporting from Saigon, July 2, 2007 Following the disruption in communication with Miss Cao Que Hoa, one of the participants of the protest in Saigon,
Reporting from Saigon, June 28, 2007 Today, June 28, 2007 the public security has increased their force to more than 100 public security officials, warning
Reporting from Saigon, June 27, 2007 This morning at 8:30 am, June 27 2007, we spoke with the aggrieved citizens from Tien Giang. They were
Reporting from Saigon, June 26, 2007 At 10:00 AM on June 22, 2007, residents from Tien Giang Province have congregated at 11 Ly Chien Thang,