
The Not-So-New Vietnam
The Wall Street Journal REVIEW & OUTLOOK The Not-So-New Vietnam March 30, 2007 Vietnam’s democracy movement will soon mark the anniversary of a ground-breaking manifesto
Vietnam repeals detention practice
Vietnam has abolished a measure used to hold dissidents without trial, a government official said Wednesday. However, analysts said the move could prove to be
Judges urged not to pass jail sentence on catholic priest who edits dissident newspaper
Reporters Without Border – Reporters Without Borders today called on the Vietnamese judicial authorities not to impose prison sentences on Father Nguyen Van Ly, one
Dissident Catholic priest challenges Vietnam court
A dissident Catholic priest defiantly shouted “Down with the Communist Party” as he went on trial in Vietnam on Friday with four co-defendants for spreading

Vietnam Court Sentences Priest to 8 Yrs.
HUE, Vietnam – A Vietnamese court sentenced a dissident Catholic priest to eight years in prison for anti-government activities during dramatic proceedings Friday in which
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Votes and Proceedings Hansard
Excerpt from Proof Legislative Assembly Daily Hansard of the Parliament of Victoria dated Wednesday, 28 March 2007. Father Nguyen van Ly Mr BYRNE (Holt) (9.3030