Free Thuy-Nhan-Nghien Campaign

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Dear friend,

March 8 is International Women’s Day, a time to celebrate the achievements of women past, present and future.

Unfortunately, three of Vietnam’s most highly regarded women are currently imprisoned. Their crime? Peacefully advocating social justice.

Please join with Viet Tan in a global campaign to demand the immediate and unconditional release of three renowned human rights and democracy activists: Tran Khai Thanh Thuy, Le Thi Cong Nhan and Pham Thanh Nghien.

Thuy, 49 years old, is a writer, blogger and honorary member of PEN. She is also a champion in the fight against corruption. Arrested in October 2009 after travelling to the trials of fellow dissidents, she is serving a three and half year prison sentence. She was beaten by police-supported thugs but then falsely convicted of physical assault.

Nhan, 31 years old, is a human rights lawyer who has been in jail since March 2007 for disseminating “propaganda.” Her writings criticized the arbitrary practices by which the Vietnamese authorities silenced peaceful dissent. She is serving a three year prison term followed by 3 years of house arrest.

Nghien, 33 years old, is a cyber activist who campaigned against official corruption. She was arrested in September 2008 after criticizing government policies and petitioning to hold a peaceful demonstration. She is serving a four year jail sentence followed by 3 years of house arrest.

None of these brave women should be in prison or face years of subsequent house arrest. They have so much to offer to their country and people.

Let’s work together to Free Thuy-Nhan-Nghien!

For more information on this campaign and see what you can do, visit


Do Hoang Diem
Chairman, Viet Tan

p.s. Please forward this email on to other human rights supporters!

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