Tran Khai Thanh Thuy
Tô 12
Quân Duc Giang
Ha Nôi
Viêt Nam
17 September 2007
Dear Tran Khai Thanh Thuy
I am very happy to tell you that you have been elected as an Honorary Member of the English Centre of PEN. We are an international association of writers that includes poets, playwrights and Journalists. PEN is strictly non-political but is a cultural and intellectual organisation committed to promoting freedom of expression throughout the world.
We are very pleased to welcome you into our ranks.
With very best wishes from your fellow writers and PEN members.
Yours sincerely,
Alastair Niven OBE President of the English Centre of PEN

Letter from Alastair Niven OBE President of the English Centre of PEN to Tran Khai Thanh Thuy