Since the mid 19th century, Geneva has been a city of peace exercising democratic freedoms. My party was born to create, build, defend and protect fundamental rights. Universal suffrages, freedom of press, freedom of reunion, freedom of thought and of religion are the rights that all people are entitled to. It is because we were “radically” attached to these freedoms that we’re still to this day known as “radical”.
I support the democratic cause for Vietnam, Burma and other countries who do not have the privileges of a democratic society. There is no doubt that freedom is most valued by the world, however, it is least shared. Nevertheless, my support will probably be mis-interpreted as an electoral stunt as the elections are approaching soon.
I make no claim that by electing radicals, liberals, socialists to the National Council a change will transpire in Vietnam. However, it is perfectly clear that we must all shoulder the responsibility of ensuring the longevity of democracy. It is our duty to: Preserve freedoms in Switzerland against threats from extreme left and right ideals
protect the rights of all residents regardless nationality
lend our support to democratic dissident against dictatorship regimes
lend our support to freedom fighters who empower consciences and challenge inequality
reinforce the expectations of Switzerland from its economical partners with respect to human rights.
Many of my colleagues have lived in countries where democracy is still a remote ideal. Thus, we know what efforts are essential for the support of the Democratic Movement. We will always listen to the Vietnamese activists who fight for democracy and freedom.

Huges Hiltpold, age 38, is the current president of the Geneva Radical Party. He has been in this role since June 1st, 2007. He has been with the Geneva Radical Party for 20 years. He has also been deputy to the Great Council of Geneva since 2001. He is currently running for the Swiss National Council.