“In the light of the dramatic events in Burma, political officials speak in favour of democracy in Asia, particularly Vietnam”
Pierre Weiss
Geneva Liberal Party Deputy and Candidate to the National Council of Switzerland

The Swiss Liberal Party wants to « give wings to freedom » in Switzerland but freedom and liberties seem to be indivisible. Therefore I stand in solidarity with its defenders from the five continents to speak for freedom of union, freedom of vote and freedom of expression.
Current events in Burma provide enormous examples of obvious violations of democracy and human rights in Asia. Today, the Burmese junta is under virtual fire for not hesitating to open real fire on the people of Burma. The popular Republic of China still has a long road to go in order to obtain the title of democracy. As for the remorseless dictatorship of North Korea, its deceptions can no longer deceive anyone and its citizens still die of hunger.
It is thus out of question to accept the existence of democracy with two speeds, one type of democracy being in the Western developed countries and another type in the other countries. Freedoms cannot be limited to a part of business and industry, but be absent from politics, as it is the case in Vietnam. Frankly, being able to emigrate is not a satisfying solution.
I thus commit myself to support the efforts of those who fight for democracy in Switzerland and in the world; particularly for all my Vietnamese friends.

Pierre Weiss is a sociologist and political scientist. He is also the editorial writer and director of communication of the Fédération des Entreprises Romandes. As the Deputy of the Geneva Liberal Party and candidate to the National Council of Switzerland for the elections on the 21st of October in 2007, he has actively supported the efforts of COSUNAM (Swiss-Vietnamese Committee for Freedom and Democracy in Vietnam) during the actions in 2004 against the festal commemoration of the Geneva accords of 1954.