The Democratic Wave from North Africa to Vietnam

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February 28, 2011

After decades of living through repression and injustice, the peoples of Tunisia and Egypt have courageously risen up to end the dictatorships of Ben Ali and Mubarak. These victories have derived from popular aspirations, through the power of the people and from nonviolent struggles.

The examples of Tunisia and Egypt have inspired popular protests throughout the Middle East and North Africa and are having profound effects in Asia.

In Vietnam, appeals for the Vietnamese people to stand up for justice and human rights have been issued by the Vietnam Populist Party, the People’s Democratic Party of Vietnam, Bloc 8406, Catholic priest Nguyen Van Ly, and Dr. Nguyen Dan Que. In addition, there have been calls for protests by Vietnamese youths and labor activists using social media. Viet Tan strongly supports every expression of the aspirations of the Vietnamese people.

In recent days, the Hanoi regime has increased measures to isolate and detain Vietnamese patriots. This includes the accusation and investigation against Dr. Nguyen Dan Que for supposedly “attempting to overthrow the people’s government”; isolating pastor Nguyen Manh Hung and repressing the Cattle Shed Church (a Mennonite house church); and harassing Catholic priest Phan Van Loi and attorney Le Tran Luat.

All these acts of terror and repression demonstrate that the communist authorities are fearful of a democratic tide sweeping Vietnam. In light of these developments, Viet Tan:

  1. Condemns the communist government’s harassment and persecution of Vietnamese patriots who are peacefully expressing their views on social justice, human rights and democracy.
  2. Supports efforts underway in Vietnam including the protest for justice by aggrieved citizens in Saigon on February 28 and the organizing by youths and labor rights activists on social media.

Viet Tan is committed to overcoming dictatorship in Vietnam through nonviolent civic action. Viet Tan has and continues to collaborate with all organizations and individuals with the same goals and nonviolent approach. We urge all Vietnamese to work in solidarity and to openly demand the right to live in a free and democratic Vietnam.


Duy Hoang +1.202.470.0845

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The Democratic Wave from North Africa to Vietnam

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