Vietnam: Concern at continued detention of artist and youth activist Nguyễn Thanh Phước

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July 21, 2015

Artist and youth activist Mr Nguyễn Thanh Phước remains in detention ten days after his arrest on 11 July 2015, during a public meeting of youth social movement the’Zombie movement’.

Two days after the arrest, on 13 July 2015, five police officers raided Nguyễn Thanh Phước’s home without a search warrant, and confiscated his computer. Nguyễn Thanh Phước is currently held at the Ministry of Public Security Detention Centre in Saigon.

Nguyễn Thanh Phước, also known as Nguyễn Phi, is an artist and one of the organisers of the “Zombie movement”. This social movement was inspired by rap artist Nguyễn Vũ Sơn and his critical song appealing to Vietnamese people to take a more active role in the political life of the country. The movement’s members aim to make the young generation aware of their civil and political rights and to share information about human rights violations and corruption cases by using social media.

Nguyễn Thanh Phước was arrested by police on 11 July 2015 at Nguyễn Huệ Boulevard in Saigon during his participation in a public meeting of members of the “Zombie movement”. Approximately 20 members who had been arrested alongside Nguyễn Thanh Phước, were released the next day. Nguyễn Thanh Phước is being held on accusations of causing public disorder, according to Article 245 of the Penal Code.

Since May 2015, several human rights defenders who use Internet and social media to promote human rights have been victims of attacks by police officers or unknown individuals, including Nguyen Chi Tuyen, Dinh Quang Tuyen and Pham Thanh Nghien.

Front Line Defenders expresses its concern at the detention of Nguyễn Thanh Phước and the confiscation of his property, which it believes to be directly related to his legitimate role in promoting youth participation in Vietnam’s political life and exposing human rights violations.

Front Line Defenders urges the authorities in Vietnam to:

1. Immediately and unconditionally release Nguyễn Thanh Phước, as Front Line Defenders believes that he is being held solely as a result of his legitimate and peaceful work promoting human rights;

2. Cease the targeting all human rights defenders in Vietnam and guarantee in all circumstances that they are able to carry out their legitimate human rights activities without fear of reprisals and free of all restrictions.

Source: Front Line Defender

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