Articles & Speeches

Vietnam to Target Social Media

April 25, 2012 For popular Western internet companies with large user bases in Vietnam, new online regulations could seriously test business practices and corporate consciences.

A sinking ship in Vietnam

April 5, 2012 Crony capitalism went on trial in Vietnam last week. However, the proceedings did little to quell public skepticism or address the underlying

Speech at the Asia Democracy Conference

Speech at the Asia Democracy Conference by Ly Thai Hung, General Secretary of Viet Tan Tokyo – November 26, 2011 Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

Vietnam: Bringing Facebook back

February 3, 2011 The Mubarak government this week pulled the plug on Egypt’s internet connections to the outside world in a desperate effort to stop

A Rights Agenda for Vietnam

The Wall Street Journal July 20, 2010, By Duy Hoang Hillary Clinton can use her visit to Hanoi this week to press for freedom. When