Guest Forum

Viet Nam: Silenced critics must be released

Public Statement AI Index: ASA 41/004/2007 (Public) News Service No: 081 24 April 2007 Vietnamese lawyers, trade unionists, religious leaders and Internet dissidents have been

Truth Behind Removal of Decree 31

The Truth Behind the Removal of the Administrative Detention Decree 31/CP (14.4.1997) November 11, 2006 The legal community and those who have concern for the

Remarks at the Viet Tan Reception

US Congressman Ed Royce Hello. My name is Congressman Ed Royce, and I represent Orange County. I would like to thank my good friends Dung

Vice in Vietnam

April 27, 2006 The Wall Street Journal A major corruption scandal in Vietnam took center stage at this month’s carefully choreographed 10th Party Congress in