
Vietnam Communists fire critical journalists

October 29, 2008 Hanoi – Vietnamese Communist Party authorities are to fire two editors at a national newspaper that published articles critical of thegovernment’s policy,

Truong Minh Duc

Birth date: 1960 Activity: Freelance journalist Date of arrest: May 5, 2007 Sentence: Sentenced to 5 years imprisonment on March 28, 2008 Charge: Abusing democratic

EU should review Vietnam ties due to rights abuses: MEPs

23 October 2008, 00:45 CET http://www.eubusiness.com:80/news-eu/1224700321.35 (STRASBOURG) – The European Union must reassess its cooperation with Vietnam and insist that Hanoi end its “systematic violation

Vi Duc Hoi

Birth date: August 12, 1956 Activity: Writer, former Communist Party member Date of arrest: October 27, 2010 Sentence: Sentenced to 8 years imprisonment (later reduced

International PEN’s Resolution on Viet Nam

Resolution on Viet Nam submitted by the Suisse Romand Centre and seconded by the Swiss Italien and Reto-romansh Centre. The Assembly of Delegates of International

Viet Nam: Sentenced journalist should be released

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC STATEMENT 16 October 2008 AI Index No: ASA 41/006/2008 Viet Nam: Sentenced journalist should be released Vietnamese journalist Nguyen Viet Chien was

Viet Nam: Growing fear, growing discrimination

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC STATEMENT ON VIETNAM’s PERSECUTION OF CATHOLICS October 9, 2008 Viet Nam: Growing fear, growing discrimination The Vietnamese government must end its intimidation

Vietnam: End Crackdown on Catholics

For Immediate Release Peaceful Protesters Beaten, Arrested, and Harassed (New York, October 4, 2008) – The Vietnamese government should immediately release Roman Catholics arrested for

Vietnam Human Rights Act

S. 3678. A bill to promote freedom, human rights, and the rule of law in Vietnam; to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Mrs. BOXER. Mr.